Drunk On Scent | Quality Scented Candles

Candle Care

Candle Care Guide - Top tips to care for your candle

Lighting your candle for the first time

When you light your candle for the first time, try to burn it long enough so that it has an even melt across the entire candle surface. This will prevent divots and help with an even burn for the lifetime of your candle.

Trim your wick

It is recommended to trim your wick to 5mm length after every 3 hours of burn time. When trimming always extinguish the flame and let your candle cool down to room temperature. 

Remove any wick residue and trim before relighting. 

If you get black edges on your glass - your wick is too long.

Blowing out your candle

Try to use a candle snuffer to put out your candle. This is the safest method to avoid wax spillage - it will also help with the longevity of your candle.

Storing your candle

Try to store your candle in cool dry places and away from direct sunlight. Candles are sensitive to light and temperature.

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